May 1, 2015
Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park
Hiked up the Pinnacles Trail to Boot Heel Trail and the Colima Trail.
Went as far as Boot Spring, which was dry.

Dark morph Short-tailed Hawk on left shows white area on the base of the outer 4-5 primaries, Zone-tailed Hawk does not show this.
Zone-tailed has thicker dark band at base of tail. The light morph on right shows dark head and white throat, no bib like a Swainson's
 Hawk would have. Seen together and in courting displays, along with the recent sightings at Emory Peak, I conclude that these
are Short-tailed Hawks. I used Raptors of Western North America, Brian K. Wheeler for identification.

Dark morph Short-tailed Hawk

My best shot of Colima Warbler

Colima Warbler

Colima Warbler, this was would have been very nice except the lighting was terrible. Uncropped, just resized.

This is what I would have like to taken, out in the light, but the branches in front
prevented accurate focus and would have ruined the image anyway.