April 18, 2017 in the Chiricahua Mountains and Cave Creek Area

I went back to the Canyon Wren nest site, this time armed with my flash. I can't get very close and don't want to anyway, but I was close enough to get this. The male repeatedly brought food to the female. This time, it is a moth. Before the male came in with food, I could not see the female on the nest. Apparently she is incubating eggs in there. After he dropped off the food, he would sing a few times then go for more.

A singing Hermit Thrush, close enough that I could even hear it for a change.

I've discovered that the nests of Blue-throated Hummingbirds are easy to find, just look under the eaves and overhangs of old building. I found two nests by the Forest Service lease cabins on the South Fork. This female is still building her nest with spider webs and bits of leaves.

This female Blue-throated Hummingbird is incubating eggs.

A male Hepatic Tanager.

He has captured an unknown species of Hemipteran.